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Old 9th June 2024, 11:53 PM   #1
Join Date: Apr 2021
Posts: 79
Default New shamshir: hoping for a diamond in the rough.

I picked up a nondescriptly named "curved sword" at an auction recently and may have done alright for myself despite my initial disappointment at the blade. From the auction photo I could see some form of calligraphy on the blade but not much else. The grip looks almost like one of the "modernized military Khyber knife" grips I've seen on some sabers from areas around and in Afghanistan. When I got the sword, there was no visible wootz, just some oddly twinkling crystalline dots amid the rust. The cartouche seemed promising though so I went ahead and cleaned a portion of the blade and did a minor test etch (please don't judge the etch I'm still figuring that part out hahaha). My progress so far showed most of my initial worries were unfounded. I'd love to hear y'all's thoughts. I'll post an update when I can manage a respectable etching. The cartouche has a "172" at the bottom of it. Assuming the rest of the inscription is fiction, I'm assuming that might point to a Gregorian 1759 manufacturing date for the blade?
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