I saw "poll axe", but the first thing I noticed when I looked at the pic was that eye was not round.
Then I wondered exactly what a "poll axe"was, so I asked Dr. Google, & what I found was a rather elaborate medieval shaft weapon.
However, the man who taught me smithing (Gordon Blackwell) called any type of axe that had a round eye a "poll axe", & I found that a number of other Australian smiths used the same terminology.
I have a bit of a thing for axes in general, one of my uncles was a competition axeman, when he got his final promotion I got his 5 pound racing axe, I re-dressed it & it is now my go-to axe around my property. Apart from that, I constantly look for old, nice quality axes & hatchets in garage sales & markets. I don't collect them, I don't know much about them, but I like them & I accumulate them.
I feel that this hatchet is not really a poll axe by any measure, but if anybody wants to call it this, I won't argue with them.