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Old 31st May 2024, 05:28 PM   #15
Join Date: Apr 2024
Posts: 52

Originally Posted by A. G. Maisey View Post
I think it is probably fire gilded, but this is an opinion based on a photo that has been viewed on a screen. Don't quote me.

I would call it lung-lungan = vines, maybe it has other names also.

I do not know when gold was first used on keris.

My opinion as to the reason for its use is that it would have been used as a hierarchical marker. Certainly not for any talismanic reason.
Hi Alan,

Thanks for your reply. I posted this keris here (as we are on the same subject) and would like your thoughts on the following:
1) Possible Origin and Pamor?
2) Can this keris be some sort of hierarchical marker? Does the kinatah in the middle of the blade have and meaning?
3) The kinatah - Is it possible that the steel is carved to approximate shape, then fairly heavy gold is applied over the carving in a similar fashion to koftgari work, and that gold is then carved with the motif. (One possible method you mentioned above)

4) (Last Pic). I posted this keris on another thread earlier and the opinion is that this keris was made say in the 1980s-1990s. What method would have been used for this kinatah taking into consideration more modern tools and methods were available then? Or was this perhaps fire guided too?

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