Thread: A Batak Piso?
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Old 31st May 2024, 10:51 AM   #4
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When you read in the given threads you will find that the agreement is that these daggers and one sword are not of traditional workmanship. Two of these pieces I've handled, good forged blades. I for my part think these are pieces from the first quarter of the 20th century, made with very good workmanship and sold for high prices.
Everywhere in the world was an early tourism and many of these early travelers were looking for knives and swords. It was more in vogue as today to collect blades. So for example, high quality daggers (Vendetta dagger) were made in Corsica (ok, in Thiers) for the purpose of selling them to the visitors, as in the Canary Islands, the Balkans, Brazil, Argentina, ect.
All these are sought-after and well prized. I see these blades shown from Medan (?) in a similar line.

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Last edited by Sajen; 31st May 2024 at 03:51 PM.
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