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Old 26th May 2024, 10:17 AM   #21
Marc M.
Join Date: Aug 2019
Location: Belgium
Posts: 245

Originally Posted by Lee View Post
Just over two decades ago there was a brief window when tourism into Tuareg territory was not strongly discouraged and attempts to develop tourism were at their peak. This ended one night when ancient traditions were reawakened and two foreign parties were raided in the desert. I gave up my cash willingly at gunpoint and my passport, billfold with credit cards and clothes were courteously left with me. I think that night ended regional tourism hopes. Our tour limped back to Agadez where we had a few unplanned days. I went back to a local antique dealer (from whom I had acquired a few nice swords and lances) and he went over the naming of variations by fullers or curvature and wrote them on the back of a currency exchange slip. So, a five fullered blade, as above, is a takouba tamougass. Below is a scan of those notes.
Hi Lee

That must have been an exciting/scary experience a Touareg raid. They left the takuba at home and exchanged it for a firearm. Thanks for naming the different fullers.
Best regards
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