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Old 23rd May 2024, 10:54 PM   #2
Join Date: Sep 2021
Location: New Zealand
Posts: 269

Originally Posted by Sakalord364 View Post
Of course a well to do nobleman in any country would likely own multiple swords, but I heard that Polish nobles collected sabres like one would do with coins or stamps today. Could such habits have occurred, or would it have been unlikely for large collections to be formed by individual enthusiasts?
I think you need to narrow your question to specifi periods. By the late 19th century the maintenance and supply of the army had switched over to the responsibility so a nobleman of this time would have little reason to have a large collection of swords for any other reason than interest or inheritance.

However in earlier times, when nobles maintained or funded garrisons, they would have kept an armoury for those soldiers which included weapons and armour. Many of the surviving collections we have today are built from such garrisons.
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