Originally Posted by Sajen
Hello Helleri,
The dagger is post WWII IMO to answer one of your questions. The handle material is buffalo horn would answer another question.
The scabbard was made from leather. And only for clarification, the dagger is not a keris. 
Attached is a pic of a similar example found online.
I noticed when he first showed it to me that the base of the blade doesn't wing out into a guard. It doesn't have those intricate hooks and curls of metal. the bolster doesn't taper down steeply, the handle is rather symmetrical. The inscription is lazy, the file work is bad...Seeing others like it. It actually looks like this particular one is not even an all that well done example of one of these.
I had a suspicion from the start that it was a tourist blade of some description. Just wasn't sure what else to call it since it felt like it leaned more toward keris than bolo for typical features (even though I know some arne't even wavy). Also keris or kris has sort of fallen into common parlance as relating that it's a wavy blade from th4e Philippines for many people that like knives but are not nearly as into arms and armor collection as you lot. So it does over time become easy to just use the phrase even when it's not technically correct. Maybe calling it a pseudo-keris would be appropriate.