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Old 12th May 2024, 02:37 PM   #16
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Marc, THANK YOU! so very much!
This is absolutely brilliant and important material, and I cannot thank you enough for the work you have put into this and sharing it here. It gives us so much more perspective and understanding of the complexities within these tribal confederations, and most importantly, how the takouba would have been integral in these.

This thread is proving to be a wonderful extension of the amazing work Iain Norman put together a number of years ago and the many discussions that were shared on these pages. I am hoping members more will join in with examples that we might add to these studies, and compile them into a comprehensive resource here .

Meanwhile, there is hope that Iain's work might be published, as it is one of the most essential studies on the takouba to be compiled in recent years on the takouba. Also,the amazing and thorough work by Ed on the kaskara and Sudanese edged weapons has provided important extension to the study of the takouba and the important associations between these North African swords.

Peter, I'd like to thank you again for creating this thread, and perfectly illustrating how this forum and the tenacious students of arms here have advanced our knowledge on them, now continuing with return to this important topic.
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