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Old 12th May 2024, 05:40 AM   #1
Join Date: Sep 2021
Posts: 108
Default Possible Armenian sword for comments

I won this sword in an online auction recently and want to see if my suspicions are true. It was listed as a "North African ceremonial dagger" which I am 99% certain is not correct. From what I have seen on the forum recently this sword bears some resemblance to Armenian style swords but made in a more simple fashion.

The blade is almost cutlass/messer-like rather than the khopesh/laz bichaq style blade more commonly seen on examples of Armenian swords. The diagonally ribbed horn scales seem to be consistent with known examples of Armenian swords. The ears on the hilt seem pretty thin and flimsy, I'm surprised they aren't broken. The sword hasn't been shipped yet so there is still a chance for that to happen.

The engraving covering the entirety of the blade is simple but still looks attractive with inlayed faces of what looks like brass, with the side profile face giving a sinister looking grin.

The (approximate) dimensions provided by the auction house are an overall length of 26 3/4 inches with a blade length of 19 1/2 inches.

All comments are appreciated as always, I'm hoping that those with more knowledge on these weapons give their input on this sword.
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