Madura ladrang.
Pamor is the same on both sides, just more worn on one side than the other. The side with less prolific contrasting material probably started as thinner layer of pamor in the first place. Its an old blade, this sort of thing is common.
The hilt is Pulasir style, it was an idea of Raden Arya Cokroningrat of Sumenep, Madura, the first hilt of this style was crafted by Kyai Remen. The pommel section of this hilt supposedly represents a Roman soldier's helmet. The word "pulasir" comes from Dutch "volopsir" --- interesting this:- in Jawa the English "v" is pronounced halfway between "f" & "v", VW vehicles are "feewee"s, but the letter "f" becomes interchangeable with "p" --- the name "Fauzan" becomes "Pauzan".
Anyway, its a pulasir hilt, some people also call it a "rasogan sordaduh" --- soldiers uniform.
This hilt form was apparently popular with the Madurese mercenaries who served with the Dutch forces.
Last edited by A. G. Maisey; 12th May 2024 at 12:03 AM.