That's a nice piece. I have a soft spot for those. There are a number of those in the colonies.
On this side of the Atlantic they're known as Riding swords, which is a contemporary term documented in c.1620. Sort of beefier, less decorated weapons than your rapier for use when out and about. I think they're more first quarter of the C17th in this style, slightly evolving in form in the second quarter. One of the earlier type was found at the site of the battle of Powick Bridge (1642).
I have one pretty much the same, with IOHANNES BRACH and an anchor in each fuller and ANNO 1614 on both sides of the blade.
Pics below, with the slightly later(?) form on the right. The right hand one has a double edged blade marked ME FECIT SOLINGEN and IOHANNES [unclear].
Fear not - the blade close up is right after I excitedly uncovered the markings but before final cleaning.