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Old 8th May 2024, 03:04 PM   #13
EAAF Staff
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Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Upstate New York, USA
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This forum exists so that collectors may receive assistance from more experienced collectors, even when the truth is not pleasant. I discovered the website that I linked to above after I bought a small "frontiersman's belt" axe at a rural estate auction. I wanted it to be true, but a few things didn't add up. The operator of that site will, for a nominal donation, provide an opinion on submitted photographs. My axe was judged as something reworked from a small claw hammer. I accepted my medicine gracefully. Ultimately, I did XRF and the condemnation was not surprisingly confirmed by the alloy. The estate was of a man who did bicentennial re-enacting. The above quoted website has an extensive gallery of forgeries as well as diverse genuine axes.
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