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Old 8th May 2024, 01:31 AM   #4
Join Date: Dec 2022
Posts: 36

Originally Posted by cyten View Post
I'll have to check this museum, because the one in Republic Square only had one Shishane and then some Soviet weapons
Thank you very much! This pistol (and the Zeytun Acari I posted in my original post identifying these weapons) is kept in the museum on republic square, but they just are not on public display for some reason.

That being said, if you are interested in muzzleloaders I would recommend visiting the Yerevan City History Museum on Argishti Street (Museum about the city of Yerevan’s history). There is a very fine collection of Caucasian Miquelet guns on display there. In Armenian those types of Caucasian guns were usually called “Ghrimu Hratsan” (Crimean Guns), as the barrels originated from Crimea. In the past there used to be a gigantic market for locally produced barrels and guns in Karabakh, some of which even was exported to the Russian imperial army. When I say gigantic, I mean gigantic, such a small region of less than 100 thousand was producing about 6000 firearms per year, which was equivalent to 1/5th the total production of all firearms produced in the much much much larger Russia at the time. However, this completely died out presumably sometime in the 18th-maybe 19th century, I suppose these imported barrels became more economical or maybe the Karabakh Guns were not widespread at all outside of Karabakh in the first place.
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