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Old 7th May 2024, 03:20 PM   #16
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Peter, to say WELL DONE! would be an understatement! Your taking on this once well traveled topic, and despite being outside your areas of study, done far more than due diligence in understanding key points for presentation here.

You have also advocated for saving a most important field of study here from oblivion.......I admit to having become complacent as other areas were studied...but my interest is profoundly piqued again!

Clearly there are numbers of us here who over the years were deeply involved in studying these weapons, and it is so good to see them here to,
'get the band back together' !!!

Ed, VERY good point on copying those excellent works by Iain before they are lost. His work deserved to be published so that those with interests in these areas of Saharan weapons would have reference material despite loss of online source.

I do hope we can rebuild these many years of important research into an archival thread here that might provide such reference material.

Thank you Peter! and everybody coming in on this!

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