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Old 5th May 2024, 01:35 AM   #15
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964

Ian, I do acknowledge that it would be desirable for the entire dagger to be presented, but this would be both unethical & in contravention of Forum rules. Additionally, it would not assist in the slightest degree in providing a response to my question.

I did not request an opinion on the entire object, only on the hilt, & and as you note, my question was precise. I apologise for the nature of my question, but in this case that is what I need, I already know where & when it was acquired and where it has been for the last 100 years or so.

The blade is ancient, & very probably would have been pusaka, the blade has nothing at all to do with the hilt, nor does the scabbard, except that it was used in assembling the dagger. I am already quite confident that the entire piece is associated with the dominant forces in the East Indies during the time it was created.

The only thing that puzzles me is the place of origin of the hilt.

The quality of carving in the hilt is high & it is typical of elements common in a number of places in today's Indonesia.

The entire dagger is late colonial period & probably after +/- 1880.

Yes, I agree with your comment on inter cultural influence, & in respect of the old East Indies, this is a very common element that stretches over a few hundred years.
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