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Old 4th May 2024, 04:49 AM   #20
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Default Not Tourist To Me


I think what we have here is two different definitions of tourist koumya. I wouldn’t classify any of the five pieces you show as tourist and would be quite happy to have like items in my collection (especially the last one). If a koumyia is well and traditionally made but is so expensive that the primary market is rich tourists doesn’t mean that it is a tourist piece because a Moroccan would be happy to buy and wear it as well…if he could afford it. To me, a Moroccan would be happy to wear all of the pieces you show. I think that all of them (with the very possible exception of the last one which may be 19th century) are 20th century and the first one you show is the least good one of the lot, but I don’t think any of them should be called tourist. To me, tourist means a cheaply and sloppily made pastiche of a traditional form with the only skill in its making being the ability to churn it out as quickly and with as little effort as possible. To me, tourist pieces have an almost contemptuous lack of quality. As if to say, “only a tourist would be ignorant enough to buy this piece of garbage because no person of our culture would be caught dead with it”.

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