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Old 3rd May 2024, 12:58 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by RobT View Post
I must however say that I have no trouble whatsoever distinguishing a koumya intended for sale only to tourists from one that a Moroccan would be willing to wear amongst his peers. If a koumya is of good quality, then it was made for sale to Moroccans and non-Moroccans alike. Tourist koumya on the other hand are identifiable by their thin metal, crudely designed and roughly finished elements, and poor construction. In short, they look cheap.The photos I have provided do not show a cheap looking item. It is undeniably of good quality. In any event, I would be willing to bet the ranch that no tourist koumya would be stamped with a maker’s mark and have a differentially heat treated blade.
Dear Rob,

I think that it isn't easy like this. I've handled and seen koummyas from good and very good quality made only for tourists/collectors.
I am for my part looking more for the signs of use and handling and the wear a koummya shows. Look for example here: &
Also the one I've shown recently (now for sale so I don't want to show it here again) made from silver with gold accents is IMHO a 20th century piece made for sale to rich tourists.
20th century koummyas are mainly made for tourists and collectors, sometimes these are worn by Morrocans as well. I've had one recently and sold it to a member here which you would classify as a tourist one, the fittings are from brass and german silver but it shows clear signs of a long time use (see pics).
Like I said, it's not so easy like you stated.

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