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Old 21st April 2024, 06:26 AM   #10
Join Date: Apr 2019
Posts: 102

Anything that may appear on these pages will be a restricted item with the Ebay Global Shipping Program T and Cs. Been like that for a long time. There is a very long list of GSP restricted items. Read all the issues with items being termed restricted by the GSP and confiscated. There is NO recourse. Heard of Japanese swords of some value being caught up in this. They do not consider the fact that you can't go buy another one like a pair of shoes.

It has nothing to do with your own countries laws etc.

Happened to me with a kukri from the UK. Advice is do not buy if seller is using GSP or have it shipped to a contact in USA/UK etc if you have one.

The seller may not even be aware that the GSP is being offered internationally and the T and Cs of the GSP. Apparently GSP is the default and has to be changed. Ebay don't mind you offering the item even through the GSP will mean it will be confiscated and sold locally.

Last edited by RAMBA; 21st April 2024 at 06:42 AM.
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