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Old 14th April 2024, 02:54 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by Jim McDougall View Post
Well its an eagle head, but Glen, you'd be the one to say which type (Thurkle etc). I can only imagine that there must be examples that had Spanish motto blades. However, I think some Mexican swords had eagle heads as well, but offhand not sure of details. Bowie was after all a Mexican citizen by marraige, so possible, but this seems American.

Always curious why nobody has ever mentioned swords AT the Alamo.
Not many officers inside the Alamo. Travis was Texian militia (lawyer by trade) and then. Commissioned as an LC for a cavalry unit, then to The Alamo with army regulars. He likely had something along the lines of an Ames militia officer sword (but that dates badly) or a skinny eagle or Princess pommel, or plain old spadroon and would be from his earlier militia duties, rather than an 1833 dragoon. There is the legend of drawing a line in the sand. Hollywood likes a straight sword for Travis.


There were some 1st Empire eagles that might fit the portrait, as I had thought of the old LePage Foghorn Leghorn
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Last edited by Hotspur; 14th April 2024 at 03:06 AM.
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