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Old 5th April 2024, 11:19 PM   #12
Join Date: Sep 2017
Location: Tyneside. North-East England
Posts: 566
Default Bertram

I know it is hardly an arms and militaria subject.
I have seriously deviated from my original thread, but Bertram was the beginning of the SB story, and he was a sword forger, so I think, tenuous though it may seem, it remains valid... just.
Wilkinson Sword entered into this century making razors, so there is not so much difference, is there?
I do remain enthusiastic regarding this business of Sheffield sending steel to Solingen to make razors for the British market... why would they do that?
It can only be because of the quality of the steel, yet there was absolutely no decline in the output quality of Solingen products, either then or now. It's very odd.
Gives me something to do.
Thanks for the link to the Hen and Rooster article Peter... as it happens, I found it earlier when I first began the research into Bertram.
(See you Wednesday in SB)
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