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Old 3rd April 2024, 05:11 PM   #25
Keris forum moderator
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Yes, you will find numerous sources for pamor Aiq Ngelek online. I have no idea if this is a recent name or one that goes back a ways, but most descriptions tie it specifically to keris Lombok. Here is one such description:
"The image of the pamor Aiq Ngelek makes a series of pamor lines in the middle of the blade, they connect each other here and there. Sometimes, these pamor lines are flanked by a pamor motif like Kulit Semangka. Pamor AIQ Ngelek, long time has been very popular on Lombok. Therefore you find it very often and is always on the straight keris.
The magical power of the pamor Aiq Ngelek brings sincerity.
Pamor Aiq Ngelek can be both, pamor Mlumah and Tiban, and also Miring and Rekan. It can be both, a selected as also a not selected pamor motif. Pending on this it can be suitable for everyone or not."

Here is a link to a 14 year old thread where Gustav identified a blade as having this pamor and the name source being Sasak.
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