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Old 1st April 2024, 08:36 PM   #1
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Posts: 179
Default Unusual sabers from West Africa

Hi all!

Found this morning at the flea market, those two interesting swords. Obviously from West Africa, but from where and from which ethnic group exactly?

My theory so far is that they were made in Baoulé style by Toma / Loma craftsmen.

The only ethnic group that I could find in Western Africa that uses loop pommels are the Toma / Loma (examples : ; ; ;

Both of my sabers are very similar in style to some Baoulé swords, however, the construction doesn't really match : Baoulé swords usually have a shorter, heavier, blade , and a crown like pommel ( ;

In fact, the construction more closely matches Malinké / Mandinka swords. However, the Toma / Loma are a sub-group from the larger Mandinka group.

Thus, my proposition is that those sabers are cross-cultural items, made in Baoulé style by Toma / Loma craftsmen. Those groups all live in the Guinea / Liberia / Ivory Coast zone, so cultural exchanges aren't too unexpected.

What do you think? Have you ever seen similar sabers?

Thanks in advance for your opinion! 🙂
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