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Old 1st April 2024, 10:44 AM   #9
Pertinax's Avatar
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Originally Posted by serdar View Post
Nice yataghan, why do you mean that there are other signa that it belonged to janissari? There are no janissari seals on blade, they had seals like markings of regiment, that vere struck on blades, this doesent have that.
That ivory? Like decoration on ear is a later ad on as i can see.
The yataghan was a non-combatant personal weapon of the Turkish Janissaries. According to one version, the yataghan came from an elongated knife, which was carried by these privileged warriors of the Turkish sultans. The Janissaries, who were distinguished by their violent temperament and tendency to rebel, did not have the right to leave their barracks with any weapons, with the exception of knives. They learned to get around this ban by increasing the length of their knives.

In the inscriptions, along with the name of the master, the name of the owner is always written, made in the same technique as the rest of the inscriptions, and the decoration of the blade; this indicates that the weapon was made to order.

Regards, Yuri.
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