Thread: Khanjar
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Old 31st March 2024, 03:25 PM   #4
Peter Hudson
Join Date: Jul 2020
Posts: 315

A. The Omani Khanjar.
B. Omani Swords.
C. The Omani Terrs.

Yes this is a Sayyiidi Khanjar after the name of what is probably Omans greatest ruler Saiid The Great 1804 to 1856.
The story goes that this was a redesigned Muscat style that one of his wives Sheherazad...a Persian Princess... reformatted the hilt which previously had been a flat topped pommel adding artistic impression and sparkling silverwork but retaining a 7 ring scabbard. Actually that style is first to be treated in Library at post 1 on Omani Khanjars... In an interesting addition to the form the Ruler had the same hilt made to fit the old Omani Battle Sword we also know as The Sayf Yemaani. Other items were redesigned such as the Royal Turban and a Royal Cummerbund. Saiid The Great reinvented one or two other things introducing the Omani Sayf the straight bladed dancing sword and in the mid 1800s introduced the Omani Kittarrah curved weapon and had the long hilt from the Omani Sayf added so there are two swords from different periods and different uses with the same handle....The Omani Terrs shield is added to all Omani Swords and even Khanjars as an allowable addition if required. All these variations can be found on Library...

Peter Hudson.
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