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Old 30th March 2024, 10:19 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Pertinax View Post
Hello Victrix

I believe that this sword was made to order in a single copy, so there are probably no analogues.

Victrix Do you have any swords with this type of guard in your collection? During what period were they produced?

Regards, Yuri.

I don’t generally collect 19thC swords so my knowledge here is quite limited. From consulting the book “Blanka vapen och skyddsvapen” (1975) by Josef Alm it seems this sword likely is infantry officer’s sabre [sic] m/1859. There’s no picture in the book but the verbal description matches. The handle is made of gilted brass and the grip is covered with fishskin with seven scores in which there is twinned brass wire. The pommel is in the shape of a lion head. The guard plate is big and points upwards on one side with decorations and perforations, and smaller and points downwards on the other without perforations. The blade is decorated with partly gilted etchings and the inscription “Konungen” (the King) on one side and “Fäderneslandet” (the Fatherland) on the other. The scabbard is nickeled. There’s a version for underofficers where the grip is not gilted and lacks decorations with the blade. This model was superseded by the m/1899 infantry officers sabre which has a leather grip with 10 scores and a straight knuckleguard. For some reason straight blade Swedish swords from 19-20thC are called sabres locally, probably because of the grips. Technically I suppose they should be more correctly called pallasches. I hope this helps.
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