Thread: Jafle jambiya
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Old 30th March 2024, 08:48 PM   #4
Peter Hudson
Join Date: Jul 2020
Posts: 315

Yes I have to agree. The peculiar aspect in dealing with the Yemeni weaponry is that all the experts have fact all the Jewish people have gone to Israel...None of the silver and gold craftsmen are left. . Yemeni work was left to Yemeni craftsmen who had little idea of the complexity nor the quality of the Jewish masters...and the Jewish masters had little time or inclination to pass on all they knew...understandably.
The Gracie book is brilliant and fits in where the Jewish masters left...albeit only with this excellent book... very little else exists on the subject...Not only weapory suffered but all the crafts including Islamic Jewellery ....There is very little left anywhere in Yemen of what was once a superb craftsmanship..... It died. I know of no other region where such a tragedy has occured...
Peter Hudson.
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