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Old 29th March 2024, 09:48 PM   #1
Join Date: Feb 2023
Location: Amsterdam
Posts: 123
Default Another Bali Keris

Hi I wanted to share my latest Keris that I won in an auction. I think it’s an nice 19th century one and only had some minor issues like a loose gandar and a little bit of rust to the blade. I glued the gandar with fish glue and used a bronze bristle to remove the surface rust. Most of the washing with Warangan is still there. I wrapped the blade in tissue that I soaked with WD40 wrapped it in clingfoil and put it away for a few days. Then with a bronze bristle and some dentist picks I was able to remove the rust. Then with break cleaner I cleaned it of the penetrating oil and applied Keris oil cendana on the blade.
The sewer I cleaned in a bath of vinegar it has real stones in it and is of an nice old quality.
Can someone explain how the groves in the hilt at the back of the top are called?
It has an nice contrast pamor blade dapur lurid and hilt cecekahan.

Regards Martin.
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