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Old 27th March 2024, 11:40 AM   #13
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964

I agree Detlef, the scabbard has some age, but that is not really relevant.

That scabbard could have moved to anywhere at any time, & if it had been damaged in Bali to the point where it could not have been worn, it would have been replaced, not cobbled up into some outlandish shape that fits nowhere.

At the end of the day we have what I think is probably a pretty nice blade that drifted away from its place of creation & somehow, in someway, got itself dressed up in secondhand clothes from a Salvation Army Store --- so to speak.

These outlandish clothes have covered its nakedness, so its not going to get itself arrested for indecent exposure, but dressed as it is, it really doesn't fit into any decent society.

Seems everybody wants to leave it as it is, maybe because as it is, it is really quite amusing, but if it were mine I'd burn the stuff out of the Salvation Army Store & give it clothes that would not embarrass it.

But then again, I do have a soft spot for the down and outers of this world.
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