23rd March 2024, 02:50 AM
Vikingsword Staff
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 6,325
Originally Posted by Ian
Australia allows genuine collectors with the relevant license from a police commissioner to import and possess balisong, switchblades, and a wide variety of other prohibited weapons. However, the threshold for approval is high and requires a police check. Such items are not allowed to be carried and there are requirements about how they are stored.
I have such a license and have had to use it to import some items, most recently a dagger, lohar axe, African axes, and swords. With respect to importing weapons, it depends on the shipping method. For inexpensive items coming through regular mail the likelihood of moving through Australian Customs without question is greatly increased. With shipping companies, such as DHL, similar items are usually subject to full Customs inspection (which is how DHL and other shippers generate much of their high costs charged to the shipper).
Ian, how does one become a govt recognized 'genuine collector' in OZ?