Thread: Afghan Tabarzin
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Old 23rd March 2024, 12:12 AM   #15
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Default More Than One Answer


Using the link you provided, I read through the discussion of your axe. Since, the profile of your axe head exactly matches the profile of the OP’s pierced axe head and my un-pierced “INDIA” axe head and that, given its script stamp (it would have been helpful if you had mentioned that), your axe head was undeniably made in Western Europe, the conclusion is inescapable that the same axe head form evolved independently in two (at least) very disparate places.
However, that in no way excludes the possibility that my un-pierced axe head is simply the working tool version of the pierced axe heads and that these heads (both pierced and un-pierced) represent a profile that is part of the material culture of a specific ethnic group (or groups) that live in a geographic area.
You have provided incontrovertible evidence that your position is correct but, adding the factor of geographical proximity to your premise logically dictates that my position is also likely to be correct. As the song goes, “There’s more than one answer to these questions pointing me in a crooked line
And the less I seek my source for some definitive
Closer I am to fine”.

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