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Old 22nd March 2024, 03:24 PM   #3
Keris forum moderator
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I pretty much agree with Milandro here. You have a bit of an advantage living in The Netherlands. While the basic cleaning of keris blades is relatively easy, restaining with warangan is a more difficult job, but i believe that in The Netherlands you are likely to be able to find some with experience who can do that job for you.
As far as that nasty repair job on the sheath, i will disagree somewhat with Milandro. IF when you take that apart and clean off all the old glue you find that all the original wood is fully intact i thing you might be able to repair that hilt to the level that the repair would e hardly noticeable. Even with missing areas of wood i have seen some of our members do amazing fill work that is pretty seamless. If this is not your skillset some well skilled person could do it. I have seen remarkable wood repairs on these pages that might amaze you. Whoever did this repair in the first place was unnecessarily sloppy.
Two of your keris need new mendhaks, either because they are missing or beyond repair. These are easy to obtain online or from a dealer in your home country.
I think these can all be considered antique, but not really old. Perhaps late 19th to early 20th century.
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