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Old 22nd March 2024, 09:09 AM   #2
Join Date: Jan 2022
Location: Netherlands
Posts: 484

well, since your request appears to have been unanswered , I'd try to have a go.

Your krises aren't made yesterday , that is for sure, but to exactly determine how old they are would be very difficult.

Conditions are not unusual for krises but they are not in the best condition and it will take time and money to restore. Some elements of the kris such warangka, gandar, pendoks , mendaks and ukirans (various elements composing the sheath , ring and grip) can be changed and often times have been changed before in a Kris' life , especially if very old.

But refurbishing an old blade, to a higher or lower degree, may offend someone and leave indifferent others and besides, depending where you live in the world ( I guess in the NL?) you may find easier or more difficult to have repairs done or to access parts and the people whom can adapt parts to your kris. If you are in the NL get in touch privately and I will give you some pointers to where you can have at least some of the work done.

From what I can see the krises are from Solo and show blades which are interesting and pretty old, again how old? Perhaps 100 years old ?

I don't know that the tombak is from Java and the same goes for the other blade as for the cloth. To me they look like they may be from other origin, the cloth looks Batak. It is not a rug.

They look like most Dutch colonial collected weapons probably acquired in Java (as most pieces are from there), this kind of stuff , in this condition, is really not unusual in the NL which is , reputedly, the second richest of krises area of the world outside of South East Asia.

If you are in The Netherlands, as I suspect, you may find that there are people able to clean with the traditional methods your blades , in other parts of the world other than SEA this is not as easy.

Having the other parts restored is not as easy but I see only the warangka of one of the krises broken in 3 pieces... it can be restored but you will always see the repair .
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