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Old 22nd March 2024, 02:44 AM   #8
Vikingsword Staff
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Default I Know We're Going OT Here

Nice example WW!
I collect Italian switchblades among other things. I'm no lawyer; but in my state you may own or possess an auto knife or a balisong; you cannot carry it; yet if I recall correctly federal law prohibits the shipping of these items through the US mail and you cannot purchase one in my state unless you are one-handed, a member of law enforcement or in the military. Other states in the union have different regulations about autos/balisongs, I believe some also allow you to carry even though shipping via US post still is forbidden by law.
The interpretation of these laws tend to be in a very grey area. I believe that if US customs find one coming into the US it will be confiscated.
That's about all I'm willing to say on the subject as it is here in the states.

Vintage Italian (pre 1958) switchblades like the eleven inch picklock pictured below, and pre-ban US and other examples are highly sought after by American collectors.
Attached Images

Last edited by Rick; 23rd March 2024 at 02:12 AM. Reason: is
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