Thread: Afghan Tabarzin
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Old 21st March 2024, 03:15 PM   #13
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Default Good Image


Thanks for posting your three examples. This was what I was looking for when I asked other forum members to post relevant photos. To me, all three of the heads you show bear a remarkable resemblance to the pierced axes posted on this thread (as well as to my un-pierced one). As you note, the leftmost one in your post is the closest match. Frankly, I would say close enough to be exact (the eye shape differs but I think that is irrelevant). There appears to be a ruler in the photo but the gradations are illegible. Judging by the relative size of the brick background, I’d say that the axe heads look roughly the same size as the other axe heads in this post. Could you provide some dimensions for the leftmost one to confirm this? Also, you state that, “This is an old image of three large French axes I have”. By that, do you mean that they were made in France or just found in France. How do you know? Are they stamped with country of origin or did you get them in France? It would really be funny if they were made in India for export to France or conversely, made in France for export to India.
The salient difference between my axe head and your axe is that mine is stamped “INDIA”, Sakalord364 asked, “Do you believe this Indian axehead has any connection to the Afghan example, or could it just be a coincidence in terms of design?” My response to his question mentioned the presence of Pashtun people in India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan (note that there are other ethnic groups that inhabit all three countries as well). My point was that the shape of the axe head was chosen because it is familiar to an ethnic group (or groups). It is far easier to sell a hand tool to someone if the buyer is used to the shape and style of the tool because no new ergonomics have to be learned and the user would also be visually comfortable with the form. The fact that my axe head is stamped “INDIA” indicates that at least some product was slated for export. Most probably to a nearby country but maybe even to France.

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