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Old 9th July 2006, 01:18 PM   #15
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... a continuation of what BSMStar was saying (more of a full circle):

Actually, the 9mm (Beretta 92F, or "M9") replaced the good ole 45... and not without some grumbling in the ranks.
and at the same time backing up what mabagani states in regards to the development of M1911:

a recent excerpt from the latest edition of American Rifleman magazine,
NRA's 'Official Journal' (July 2006). the article was written by Wiley
Clapp, field editor

Back To the Future? U.S. Military .45s, pp.36-37

"We have come to understand the flawed logic of selecting a
high-capacity 9mm pistol, simply because it holds lots of shots. Even the .40
S&W compromise, which gives us fewer shots and bigger bullets than the
9mm, has not always worked well as it should. The best solution to the
problem would seem to be the one adopted in 1911 - a .45 ACP handgun.

Any student of firearm history is aware of the fact that we have been
through this before and for exactly the same reasons. We once change
from a single-action .45 Colt revolver of adequate power to a .38 Long
Colt revolver of inadequate power, just because the latter was lighter,
more modern double-action design.

When the .38 Long Colt faced a determined enemy in the Philippines,
it didn't performed well, and we ended up rushing the older .45 Colt
guns out of arsenal storage and into the hands of the troops. Then, a
program of development was initiated that resulted in the best service
pistol and service pistol cartridge in the history of arms. The M1911 Colt
in .45 ACP served us well in two world wars, Korea, Vietnam and other
conflicts throughout the troubled 20th century."
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