Thread: Afghan Tabarzin
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Old 20th March 2024, 12:02 AM   #8
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Default No Close Match Found


I decided to take a look for myself so I did a google search using “viking axe head” as you suggested. While I did find some repros that matched the profile of the axe heads in this thread, the ones actually from the viking era didn’t match. I also did a search using “antique viking axe head” and got the same result. The closest match I found was the skeg axe but the lower projection (the skeg [beard in old Norse]) is far narrower where it meets the body of the head, comes to a squared off end, and intersects the head far more abruptly than does the Pashtun axe lower projection.
I have two Fokos (Ciupaga in Polish) and they look nothing like the Pashtun axes so I did a google search but it came up negative for a Pashtun look alike.
I invite all interested parties to duplicate my efforts and provide a link to any antique axe that duplicates the size and profile of the Pashtun axe head.

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