18th March 2024, 06:20 PM
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: Germany, Dortmund
Posts: 9,126
Originally Posted by milandro
interesting, this is really brass, not bronze, so its function and purpose must have been absolutely ceremonial (if not decorative) because if bronze can actually be used as a true weapon, brass hasn't got the same hardness.
Indonesia has well known bronze ceremonial axes, I don't know if this tradition has, at some point, given origin to something like your tombak (funny enough the word tombak derived from Tembaga also means a brass alloy....)
I see on line (for sale) brass " spears" very different from yours apparently classified as Majapahit period and I see Balinese Brass spears (also very different from yours).
I have seen brass recongs made in Atjeh and this being a very famous place where they mande all manners of weapons may be a more or less educated guess
I guess it's bronze and not brass, you're correct, brass would be too "soft"!