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Old 18th March 2024, 11:50 AM   #2
Join Date: Jan 2022
Location: Netherlands
Posts: 484

interesting, this is really brass, not bronze, so its function and purpose must have been absolutely ceremonial (if not decorative) because if bronze can actually be used as a true weapon, brass hasn't got the same hardness.

Indonesia has well known bronze ceremonial axes, I don't know if this tradition has, at some point, given origin to something like your tombak (funny enough the word tombak derived from Tembaga also means a brass alloy....)

I see on line (for sale) brass " spears" very different from yours apparently classified as Majapahit period and I see Balinese Brass spears (also very different from yours).

I have seen brass recongs made in Atjeh and this being a very famous place where they mande all manners of weapons may be a more or less educated guess
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