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Old 15th March 2024, 12:00 PM   #1
Vikingsword Staff
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Default Two Bagobo swords for repatriation ...

These two good Bagobo swords are on their way back home to the Philippines.

The first one is the best Bagobo sword I have owned and handled. The blade, hilt, and scabbard are all excellent. The blade has a sharpened back edge that runs about 7 inches back from the tip. The wooden scabbard has many Bagobo features including ikat, gold thread, beadwork, and a bifid toe with brass terminals. This is a datu class weapon.

The second has a fat belly blade and fuller, with file work at forte. The back edge is also sharpened for about 6 inches. The brass work on the hilt is typical Bagobo work, as is the wooden pommel. The scabbard is very plain with A red cloth wrap and a string belt. The file work at forte is occasionally seen on this style of Bagobo sword.

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