Thread: Afghan Tabarzin
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Old 13th March 2024, 11:26 PM   #1
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Default Afghan Tabarzin

I've seen a number of these Afghanistan 'bring-back' axes. Most with some perforations and some brass or copper bands. Almost all had a sting in the tail, a stiletto spike screwed into the butt.

This one seems more upmarket/lavish perforations, dotted circles, brass (gold?), copper inlays, bands, etc. a brass keeper at the top of the haft, and a steel butt with no spike. Haft appears to be some rather grainless wood, and has brass or gold wire decoration every few inches. Axe is sharp, tight.
32" long butt to top keeper. head is 4" edge, 5.25" edge to the back of the octagonal socket. Steel socket insert is also pinned.

Someone mentioned these were an afghan equivalent of the Polish/Hungarian mountain axes (ciupaga/fokos).

Any coments appreciated.
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