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Old 10th March 2024, 10:16 PM   #9
Join Date: Feb 2023
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Originally Posted by Victrix View Post
The smaller sword looks more Byzantine in style. How do you know the pommel was made in Risno? Do you know the meaning of the decoration on the pommel by any chance?
Pomels and baskets for schiavona, shiavonesca and for vukovac, were made in dalmatia, boka and venice.
This one is from montenegro.
Friend who is collector of boka kotorska things, said it is from boka and he thinks from risno region judging on the style, and examples of pomels he saw from there.
Meaning of the pomel, it is imposible to know, i realy dont know, everything about would be pure guesing.

Problem is, there are many authors, museums etc. And lots of them is wrong on many materials, from my sources in montenegro, old archives etc. This type of sword was used in 15-16 ct in montenegro, and in one old book i got on weapons it is called abanski mac, spada albanesca, same in 15-16 ct, same region.

There are a lot of weapons poeple misname and dont know, like pala, real ottoman paka is another thing, and people call pala a 19 ct foot soliders kilij.
Pala has straighter blade more wider, and crossguard is similar to this sword bent up the blade.

There is allso montenegro pala, yatagan like sword with straight blade, in montenegro it is caled pala for centuries.

Another thing, sword caled ledenik, made in boka, extremely fare swords, all in silver, like ledenice pistols from boka.
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