Thread: New arrivals
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Old 9th March 2024, 10:34 AM   #1
Join Date: Feb 2023
Location: Amsterdam
Posts: 123
Default New arrivals


I recently purchased these Indonesian weapons a sewar from Sumatra and two tombak’s transformed into daggers. Happily the tang is still k and not adjusted to fit the handle. The curved tombak has 4 luk. And I don’t know if it should be uneven as it is with Keris. Both Tombak have pamor the curved one is more visible than the other one. The handle of the curved one has a dolphin look to it. I am not sure what it could be otherwise. The other Tombak is decorated with brass and I am notoire if I would clean it. I will de-rust the blade.
The Sewar is missing a small piece on the handle on the opposite side. They choose the would well as it has strong figuration almost burl on the top part.
I am not sure how these Tombak are called if it is a overal name Tombak or can one classify them by their shape?

Best wishes, Martin.
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