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Old 5th March 2024, 03:51 PM   #10
Join Date: Jun 2013
Posts: 1,250

Once again a wealth of information and thanks to all.
Yes, I realize that the mode of thinking in the late 19th Century regarding swords was that longer was better; this reflected a change in tactics from slashing to thrusting as evidenced by the development of our Patton Sword. Obviously, when sitting atop a horse, the extra length would be desirable.
Also in the period in which you referenced, horses and mules were an intricate part of an army, for transportation, logistical support, etc, this era mostly predated mechanized vehicles, etc., and even if they had them, the rough muddy terrain that they often found themselves in would have negated their usefulness and as such the Cavalry was a necessary component of warfare.
As there was a change in the mindset of the Cavalry, I was wondering if there was a progression in maritime fighting tactics. Examples of shorter cutlass such as the German M1911, the Austrian M1858, the Swedish M1851, the US 1917, and others led me to this question.
Cutlass Collector, you are 100% correct, the button is spring-loaded and there is a slot on the scabbard.
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