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Old 5th March 2024, 10:28 AM   #8
Join Date: Jan 2013
Location: Scotland
Posts: 340

Originally Posted by drac2k View Post
.......... The sword seems a departure from earlier, shorter cutlasses that I have encountered, with its 28" blade it reminds me more of a cavalry sword as opposed to a cutlass.
Also, I am surprised that they developed a new cutlass in 1889, as I would have thought that they would be obsolete by then.
The 1889 was modelled on the 1882 cavalry sword so there are similarities. The guard was innovative as it had a raised rib that acted as a point deflector but also strengthened the guard allowing lighter material. Brits liked long cutlasses - the 1804 was around the same length.

The last pattern was 1900 (even more obsolete) and was very similar to the 1889 but with a remodelled grip and the blade had a fuller.
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