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Old 4th March 2024, 09:08 AM   #2
Join Date: Jan 2022
Location: Netherlands
Posts: 484

if the hilt doesn't have an integrated selut then I suppose you should endeavour to find one.

Most silver hilts that I see on line seem to have an integrated selut , some seem to have an additional selut looking a bit Bugis-like as a simple cup made of silver too even when the hilt has a selut in the shape of a truncated cone cup, but I have seen some also showing an occasional " ring" similar to a Balinese one.

I am not sure of how " codified " are things in the Patani, Coteng world and I think that many seen on line may have been modified out of their natural ethnologic context . I other words there seem to be more outside of the areas where they should come from than where they are traded in. The fact that they are relatively rare and command high proces maks them susceptible to be objects which are often re-created
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