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Old 29th February 2024, 08:50 AM   #1
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Default Another amalgamation sword your taughts

Some of you may recall the shamshir with briquet handle I acquired around a month ago.
This item is coming from the breaking up of a very old collection (I got a 1880's red coat in v v good condition last week from the same collection but off topic for this forum)

Well the seller has come across some more items

So this looks like a British 1796 Pattern Infantry Officer's Spadroon handle on a Tulwar, blade?

Pictures are terrible but I actually like it.

How this would handle I don't know but I should see over the weekend and make a call then. Probably wont be expensive either way.

Maybe these are fantasy items made up of original items or a true meeting of east and west a hundred years ago.

Taughts welcome

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