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Old 26th February 2024, 03:57 AM   #1
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Default Remarkable tulwar with unusual provenance

Some years ago, I won this remarkable tulwar example in auction. In the description it was noted as from the ROMAN BLACK collection. While I had no idea who this man was, I knew the tulwar was likely Rajput or Sikh and of forms usually associated with Udaipur (in Rajasthan) in as much local classification as typically can be achieved with these hilts.

The extremely sharp shamshir form blade (29") with the 'Indian ricasso' has the 'crows foot' cartouche .

For years I tried to find out who this guy was, to no avail. Then I found this book! Apparently an artist, anthropologist but with keen interest in aborigines of Australia.
Has anyone ever heard of Roman Black, and why an Indian tulwar in his 'collection' ?
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