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Old 19th February 2024, 10:59 PM   #7
Join Date: Dec 2022
Posts: 55

Your matchlock is very similar to two matchlocks displayed on the wall of a local gunshop near me, which had been found by a US Marine in a cave in Afghanistan. Unfortunately the shop refuses to sell them to me (they also have a French Gras liberated by the same Marine in the same cave). It seems that this style of matchlock was used over a wide region. They must have had a good recoil if they needed the heavy buttstock padding!

Looking at my collection of jezails, and Khyber Pass manufactured firearms, I do not have one that has black paint on it. Most of the barrels and locks are in the "white", unfinished metal, with non painted wood. It's possible that a previous owner painted it to protect it, and as such is part of the history of the gun. In my opinion, trying to remove the paint, either with chemical stripper or sanding, will damage the patina of the wood. I think a gentle cleanup will go a long ways as far as the appearance is concerned.

Awesome buy at thirty euros or whatever the US$ exchange is. We are custodians of these pieces that others would dismiss as trash.
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