Thread: Sword canes
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Old 19th February 2024, 07:13 PM   #5
Jim McDougall
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Thank you Fernando! These are as I would expect with you, superb examples and exactly what I was looking for. I am much chagrined for not going to the search here, which I invariably use, but I suppose wasnt sure what category these would fall into. Thinking they might not be considered 'real' weapons, but perhaps a novelty in the 'weapons curiosa' genre, I didnt think of the search.

While I am hoping of course to find an authentic 19th century example, with of course a rapier blade (as yours have !) I have little confidence in most of the popular sources. Also, as these are concealed weapons, the regulatory madness has encroached on the owning of these in some areas.

Also I was hoping to find a good reference that might discuss these in depth, as my references seem to have a great void in study of these. There is some detail online, but very old school, I was hoping to find a hard copy of something.
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