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Old 18th February 2024, 08:59 PM   #4
Join Date: Sep 2017
Location: Tyneside. North-East England
Posts: 566
Default Hounslow

Hello folks. Stuart Mowbray did some extensive research for Bezdek's book on English swords and swordmakers.
During my research on SB I came across lots of bits and pieces here and there. I'm out of the country at present so I do not have access to my notes.
Who arrived in 1629; who stayed; who went with the king to Oxford; who returned; what happened to the various mills and their owners; when did it actually finally end (1685) and some other stuff all came to light.
It was/is my intention to collect all this detail into a bundle and add it to the addenda of my book on SB; it is already almost as big an addenda as the principle story because - again - I wanted to package it all into one bundle.
My SB book can be found online and as a free pdf download (16mb) on along with details of how to obtain a hard copy at cost price direct from the printer.
Re. Hounslow: watch this space... I'll be back!
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